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We have a limited number of places on our FUTURES programme at RFHCS Konstam; referrals are through the School Inclusion Panel (see Admissions section). Pupils join the programme in Year 10 or, more commonly, Year 11.

On the main academic programme pupils can access a good range of GCSEs. 

Admissions are subject to the referrer signing an agreed SLA and managed through our published policy under the 'About Us' section.

"I wanted to pass across my personal thanks to you and your incredible team for the work they have done with .......... and ......... Both boys have excelled from their starting point with you and it has been very rewarding from my personal perspective to see positive outcomes for two very complex young men." CAMDEN VIRTUAL SCHOOL 

We believe learners should be actively involved in their own education. Pupils are encouraged to contribute to whole-school life; their views of their school experience are sought regularly and there is a pupil voice, with a leader appointed on a termly basis. Giving pupils a voice and motivating them to take decisions about how they manage their learning; through guidance and increased choices, will enable them to take more responsibility for their own education as well as teach them to think independently. All day pupils have regular one-to-one meetings with their Personal Tutor to discuss their targets and achievements.

Please see further details in the prospectus below.