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"From often very different starting points, the long-stay pupils achieve a good range of GCSE and Foundation Skills qualifications."


Since the year 2000, the school is a recognised examination centre. School students who are resident in hospital during the exam period can be transferred from their home-school as candidates, as long as they are deemed medically fit to do so. The school is able to provide guidance and support on access arrangements and special consideration.

Being a small school limits the number of GCSE courses we are able to offer but also provides the opportunity to give personalised teaching. Pupils in alternative provision and in their last year of school have 6-9 GCSE options including English and Maths (see individual programme details).  In addition to teaching their main subjects, teachers are able to support pupils as they work towards GCSE exams in a range of subjects. 

The school also offers a range of alternative accreditation such as Functional Skills, AQA Unit Wards and Arts Award.

The number of exam entrants we have, their range of ability and health problems varies enormously from one year to the next. As a result, each year’s exam results are unique to that particular year group: it is impossible to identify any year-on-year trends. Inevitably therefore, our exam results cannot be taken as a reliable indicator of what another child, who wishes to attend our school, might achieve at GCSE.

We are proud that nearly pupils on A.P who follow GCSE courses and take their exams with us achieve grades at, or above, those predicted for them by their own school. Pupils have achieved A* grades in the past and consistently maximise their potential. This is often in spite of challenging health circumstances.

GCSE exam access for home educated children

Home educators nationally and locally find it extremely difficult to secure access to GCSE exam centres for their children. After an appeal to Camden Schools, we have agreed to offer a small number of places to home educator’s children. 

Private Candidates

Private Candidate Expression of Interest

As a hospital school, we go to great lengths to ensure young people with medical needs or outside mainstream education have a local and affordable option to take GCSEs and A levels. Please complete this form  to the best of your ability and we will be in touch shortly.  Information regarding sitting exams with us as a private candidate will be published on the website in January. Please check again in the new year for further information